No Red Tape Program

If you’ve inherited a property you probably have many questions. How much is owed on the property? How much is it worth? What’s the process for an heir to gain ownership? What if there is no will? Our Homeowner Advocates will work with you to get you the answers you need.
Additionally, effective Friday May 1st 2020 we’ve modified our purchasing requirements and guidelines to create the No Red Tape Program. The program gets cash into the hands of heirs who want to sell their inherited property. Most closings can be conducted virtually and in under 2 weeks. The Program provides qualified heirs a probate waiver to avoid long and costly surrogate court proceedings. In the unlikely event we are unable to obtain a probate waiver heirs may qualify for a Legal Assistance Grant to cover court costs. There’s no commission and properties can be sold with or without tenants and in any condition. If your loved one passed without a will you may also qualify for this program. To learn more about your options and other assistance available speak with a Homeowner Advocate.