About Us

We are a direct buyer that closes with cash buys on homes in as is condition.

Short Sale 

w e will work with you, your realtor, and the Servicer of your loan on an agreement to cure the delinquency of your mortgage via a liquidation option. We will negotiate the purchase price of your home for your buyer that will reflect the true value of the property and not the amount the Servicer and Investor want you to pay. Please also note that if you successfully complete a Short Sale, your turnaround to buy a new home could be as little as 2 years versus 10 years with a foreclosure on record.

Loan Mod 

w e will work with you and the Servicer of your loan on an agreement to cure the delinquency of your mortgage via a home retention option. We will aim to have your interest rate reduced and to have your mortgage loan maturity date extended for a more affordable monthly payment.

When we said we provide options, we were not kidding!